Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Chivas is one of the best teams in the Mexican League,but it doesn't look like it this league because the first three games of the league they lost. People think it's because they got a new coach,but what I think is that it's not the coaches fault its the players who are playing the game.It also does kind of look like its the caches fault because the last coach they had they went to the quarterfinals.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Best Game in the world to internet is Fifa 12


The number one teams of the Premier League and the Spain League.The best team of the Spain L. is Real Madrid.The best team of the Premier L. is Manchester City.They both are in first place in their league.They also have 8 of the best players in the world.Real Madrid has Cristiano Ronaldo,Di Maria,Ozil,and Casillas.Manchester City has Kun Aguero,Tevez,Nasri,and Silva.That's why I think they are the best teams of their league.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

League of Spain

Real Madrid is in first place of the Spain Soccer League. They are in first place by 4 points in front of a team called Barcelona. Even Real M. has their forward as the top scorer of the league,and the name of that player is Cristiano Ronaldo and he has 20 goals. The second most scorer is Lionel Messi from Barcelona and he has 17 goals.The third place belongs to Valencia.Their top scorer is Roberto Soldado with 11 goals and he is the fourth top scorer of the league.                                                                                 

Happy New Year !!!!

Happy New Years everybody! I hope your lives are way better this year. Happy 2012 !!!!!!!!!!!!!